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Habits... they are little things that make a big difference in life.

2 min read

Habits... they are little things that make a big difference in life. As the saying goes “show me your habits and I will show you your life”. There is actually considerable truth to that. 


In many ways, your life at any given time is the sum of your habits. 


How successful you are... is related to your habits. 


How happy you are... is related to your habits. 


The question is; are your habits working for you or against you. 


Chances are you have lots of good habits already that help you function well... but you may still have some habits that work against you, or get in the way of you functioning your to highest capability.


Habits show up in many areas of life, like brushing your teeth before bed, eating a certain type of breakfast, or hopefully checking in with me as you start your day. 


I want to encourage you now to think about what you want more of in your life and how habits can help you with this. Maybe there is a habit you need to change. Maybe there are some habits you would like to build. 


For a habit change to stick, it needs to fit with your identity - or the type of person you see yourself to be. So if you want more fitness in your life and choose to get into the habit of working out 3 days a week, then it’s really helpful to think of yourself as the type of person who faces up to physical challenges. If you think of yourself as the type of person who gives up easily, this belief will be fighting against your plan to improve your fitness.


This is where your strengths can be really helpful because they give you language about the type of person you are.


After our chat today, I encourage you to take a look back over your strengths and think about the type of person you are and how knowing this can help you build the habits that will move your forwards towards your life vision.

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